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Michael V. ColiannaAuthor / Web Developer

Developer & Author Site

Michael's site, converted to a Gatsby/React app, and using Contentful.
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A few months earlier, I grew tired of having to maintain the WordPress instances running my personal (author) and professional (developer) sites. So I found a template I liked and converted it for use in a Laravel project. Since my company is looking to expand its offering, I've been researching different CMS and front-end options. I already had familiarity with Contentful, and figured it was time to link it up with some of the Javascript-based frameworks.

Colianna: Contentful model fields
A list of content model fields in the Contentful web interface.
Colianna: Work pages
The Contentful dashboard, on the "content" tab, showing a filter by "work" content type.

I took the information from the Laravel site, created matching content models in Contentful, and migrated the data in.

Then I created a Gatsby project and proceeded to rework the Laravel components into their equivalent React siblings.

Colianna: Page template
Code snippet of a React page component utilizing some Contentful data from a GraphQL query.
Colianna: External link component
Code snippet of a React component for an external link.

After that I utilized the Gatsby source for Contentful to pull in the data and create GraphQL queries for it.

Colianna: GraphQL result
The GraphQL query used to pull in the "page" content models.

And, rather than write multiple pages for the different areas, I utilized the Gatsby Node API to create them dynamically.

Colianna: Gatsby Node
Code snippet from the site's Gatsby node config file, showing a loop through "work" pages and generating pages for them.

Lastly, I set up a Netlify deploy for the site.

Colianna: Netlify Dashboard
A Netlify site dashboard showing the deploy for the site.

For the future, I plan on either locating/paying for a better design and implementing it into the project. Unlike my professional work, this source code is viewable on GitHub in a public repository.