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Michael V. ColiannaAuthor / Web Developer


Revamping a WordPress site into a headless website, with some upgrades.
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Chegg Homepage
The Chegg homepage as viewed on a desktop browser.

This is a site that I helped develop for a Cronin client with a front-end person. The front-end person built the basic HTML structure prototypes, did the initial styling, and handled some configuration/modification of elements in the CMS. I went through to transform the WordPress instance to headless, create the GraphQL elements, and hook up the backend/interactive front-end portions to that.

Though the Nuxt framework doesn't use GraphQL like Gatsby or other frameworks, there is a plugin for that and GraphQL is the preferred way to serve information from WordPress as a headless CMS.

Chegg Newsroom
The Chegg newsroom page, showing a featured article, the search field, and the filtering dropdown.
Newsroom code
A snippet of the newsroom index code, with the reactive items and the async method to retrieve & update the articles.
Newsroom GraphQL query
The code of the GraphQL query for the newsroom posts. This version fetches all articles, paginated in groups of 9. There are similiar queries for getting by category, post format, and tags.

The client has the existing version of this site, we only made some minor styling adjustments when converting over. But one of the big additions was the newsroom. They have three kinds of articles, multiple authors, and multiple tags, plus they wanted search. So I built the queries for getting the newsroom articles, created the Vue code for using that to filter results, then utilized Algolia to handle the search since Nuxt was going to statically generate the site.

Callout and card
Two types of content blocks, as viewed on a mobile browser. One is a callout link with preceding headline/copy and the other is a "card" style block.
Bio component
An open bio component for a person on the Chegg advisory board, as viewed on a mobile browser.

We were able to duplicate the styling perfectly from the old site, even taking into account some of the "quirks" that the previous development company built in.

Timeline code
The code for the "our timeline" module, which showcases using the MatchMedia JS API to add animations while respecting accessibility choices.

One other thing we added to the design was some accessibility – the best example of that is a "timeline" feature that slides cards in from the side of the screen. This animation is pretty jarring so when I created the SFC for that on the Nuxt side of things, I utilized a MatchMedia query so that they don't animate when a "reduce" setting is specified by the user for "prefers-reduced-motion."

This site has not launched yet – it is in the final stages of approval by the client now.